Redemptive Gifts
This is an amazing topic. Each person has a natural temperament, and also a supernatural temperament. Surprise!
Natural temperaments can be described with Personality types tests; however we also have supernatural temperaments—sometimes called "redemptive gifts".
The soul has a natural temperament; the spirit has a supernatural temperament.
The seven Redemptive Gifts (Romans 12:6-8) are:
- Prophet -- Design, insight, truth, justice, rights, conception, honor
- Servant -- Authority, dominion, platform, faithful, cleansing, strength
- Teacher -- Mentor, approachable, trust, responsibility, knowledge, history
- Exhorter -- Encouragement, power, energy, party, humor, fun, gravity
- Giver -- Stewardship, nurture, tactile, seasonal, wealth, resources
- Ruler -- Coordination, leadership, family, community, institutions, glory
- Mercy -- Identity, harmony, being, rest, dreams, satisfaction, worship
Select the titles above to hear good recordings from Arthur Burk, that speak right to your spirit. Start with the one that best resembles you. (They are free from his site, but I have edited them together by temperament for your convenience.)
Note 1: the 7 are seen everywhere
This is not just another list. It is the recognition that lists of seven are all over the Bible and creation.
- 7 last words of Christ,
- 7 days of creation,
- 7 churches in Revelation,
- 7 Spirits in revelation, etc.
- 7 colors of rainbow etc.
And the key insight is that when compared we see parallel relationships among the temperaments! That's a huge insight. For example, a Ruler is like the steering wheel of a car; and the Exhorter is like the engine. We can deep dive into this topic. It's not a gimick.
We can see these pattern throughout everything that exists, because of the imaging of God, who has these "seven spirit" dimensions.
Note 2: Picture light
Think of it each person having all the seven colors of the rainbow of God's light; but one color tends to be prominent. That's your supernatural temperament.
The ordering of all the colors of light in your spirit depends on the art God is doing in you.
Note 3: You have all the gift colors; but in a different order
In the same way that we all have all the colors, but one is brightest, each person has access to all the charisms (e.g., visions, prophecy, healing), but in a particular order; so likewise each person has all the supernatural temperaments, but in a preferred order. That's all this is, but it gives us really big insights into people. It really helps us "see" them, like watching God paint a picture and then recognizing what He is doing.
(Note these are not to be confused with charismatic gifts, which are like photon accelerators of the light colors.)
Associated blessings and curses
A supearnatural blessings or a supernatural curse comes in when we try to achieve our identity or inhertiance on our natural strength. Wheras we already have these in our spirit, which come through our soul and body by allowing God to shine through your temperament, like light through stained glass.
For the really curious, here are lots of specs:
Redemptive Gifts Chart -- PDF summary from Arthur Burk
Redemptive Gifts Description --
PDF from Cornerstone
Redemptive Gifts Detailed -- PDF from Arthur Burk
Redemptive Gifts Pros/Cons-- PDF from House of Healing Ministries
One Body
And all I have for you is freely given. Therefore, it is incumbent to freely receive, for you cannot give thanks for that which you have not received. Freely I give, for My supply is infinite.
And most important, I give you My love, the greatest gift I can give you, for it opens the door to you and I showcasing our one Spirit.
None of My giving is earned—it comes from My essence in the day that I first formed you in perfect love, knowing I would never leave you abandoned or forsaken.