Love of God Personalities DaveZia


Isn't Christianity just a crutch?


Yes and No.

The Key:  Dependence

Via weakness your dependence upon Me makes you more effective—strong with calm and without pride; gentle, not defensive; vulnerable, softened to be shaped.  I come in when a petty show of childish “strength” is set aside.  I am your protection in the things that matter.  A fortress that protects a you of your own creation is one that needs demolishing, not protection. Lay aside your fear and apprehension. 

Come to Me weak and on your knees with a new sense of delight that I am in you and that your sense of weakness is a reminder of whose you are.  When the devil comes in at this time, you have My word and My anointing.  Hear Me alone.  You’re more afraid of the surrender of control than anything else. 

Turn each time from your anxiety and call on Me.  I’m there ready with the next direction for you.  Just yield.  I’ll show you My way.  Give in and give up.  You know when your ways are clearly not working.  You want My fruit.  You desire truth.  I will give it, but only on My path.  It is not well trod, but its way is life, light, wisdom and hope.  Peace to all who enter. 

For if we die with him, we shall also live with him.
2 Tim 2:11